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Metadata dashboard

The metadata dashboard is used internally within the team to track completeness of the metadata shown in Find MoJ data. It’s implemented in AWS QuickSight.

To see it, log into the Analytical Platform Control Panel and click on QuickSight.

Under Dashboards, select “FMD Dashboard v1.4” (or the latest version).

To edit the dashboard, click on “Find MoJ data dashboards” within the Analyses section.

Add a new user

To grant a new team member access to QuickSight in the Analytical Platform:

  1. Log into EntraID
  2. In the groups section, search for azure-aws-sso-qs-data-catalogue
  3. Add the new user
  4. Ask the Analytical Platform team (#analytical-platform) to enable the access. They will need to run a script before the QuickSight link becomes available.

To share the dashboard:

  1. Open the dashboard
  2. Click the “Share” icon in the top right

To allow editing:

  1. Open the analysis
  2. Click on “Share” within the file menu

Data connectivity

The dashboard fetches its data from preprod Datahub’s RDS database, using the quicksight user.

Quicksight is part of the platforms-production VPC, which can resolve Cloud Platform internal hostnames.

Credentials for the quicksight user can be found in the “Datahub” 1Password vault.

If you need to recreate the credentials, connect to the database and run the following, replacing <password> with a randomly generated password:

-- workaround for Quicksight using outdated database drivers
set password_encryption = 'md5';
create user quicksight with password '<password>';
grant connect on database db67fea2022376ec46 to quicksight;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO quicksight;
This page was last reviewed on 11 December 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 11 June 2025 by the page owner #data-catalogue .
This page was set to be reviewed before 11 June 2025 by the page owner #data-catalogue. This might mean the content is out of date.