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Configure DBT (Create a Derived Table) to send metadata to the catalogue

The data catalogue uses DBT as a source of metadata about the Analytical Platform.

By default, all models and sources will be ingested into the Datahub catalogue, but they will not be shown in the Find MOJ Data service.

Make a model or source visible

To make a model or source visible in the Find MOJ Data frontend, set the dc_display_in_catalogue tag.

For example, in dbt_project.yaml you can include

                    - dc_display_in_catalogue

This tag should be used for sources and derived tables that users are expected to work with directly. Don’t add it to intermediate/staging tables.

Set required metadata

When adding new entities to the catalgoue, we require that you specify some additional metadata in DBT. For example:

            dc_slack_channel_name: #ask-data-engineering
            dc_owner_id: Joe.Bloggs

This metadata can be set at any level but we recommend setting it at the domain level.

The required fields are as follows:

field name description example
dc_slack_channel_name The name of a slack channel to be used as a contact point for users of the catalogue service, including the leading ‘#’. Note: this is not the same as the owner channel for notifications. #data-engineering
dc_slack_channel_url The URL to the slack channel
dc_owner_id The Datahub user ID for the data owner, usually in the form FirstName.LastName. This is the senior individual accountable for the data, not a data custodian. This is not the same as the DBT owner. Joe.Bloggs

Additional metadata

field name description example
dc_where_to_access_dataset An enum representing how the data can be accessed by end users. For DBT, this always defaults to AnalyticalPlatform. AnalyticalPlatform

Ensure the data owner has an account in Datahub

The owner’s Datahub account must exist before you set the dc_owner_id. This will happen automatically the first time they log into Datahub.

The user ID is visible in the URL of a user page in Datahub, e.g.

Speak to the Data catalogue team if you would like us to manually add a set of users without them logging in.

This page was last reviewed on 9 October 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 9 April 2025 by the page owner #data-catalogue .
This page was set to be reviewed before 9 April 2025 by the page owner #data-catalogue. This might mean the content is out of date.