List of environments
We have 4 environments:
- Dev (not guaranteed to be stable. Used for testing modifications to deployment, or upgrades to DataHub)
- Test (relatively stable, will be kept up to date as needed for user testing)
- Pre-production (‘Preprod’, generally stable, can be used to preview new features to a wider audience)
- Production (‘prod’). The most stable; user-facing. Only contains builds which have been previewed and tested in preprod.
Each environment instance of Find MoJ Data has a corresponding instance of DataHub.
Find MoJ Data namespaces
DataHub namespaces
This page was last reviewed on 1 October 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 1 April 2025
by the page owner #data-catalogue
This page was set to be reviewed before 1 April 2025
by the page owner #data-catalogue.
This might mean the content is out of date.