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List of environments

We have 3 DataHub environments:

  1. Dev (not guaranteed to be stable. Used for testing modifications to deployment)
  2. Test (relatively stable, will be kept up to date as needed for user testing)
  3. Pre-production (‘Preprod’, most stable, most out of date)

At least during alpha, all of these should be populated from the same sources of metadata, so that research participants are working with a catalogue that is as realistic as possible.

This means there should be nothing important in our pre-production catalogue that is not also in the dev & test catalogues (including metadata from the production analytical platform).

This page was last reviewed on 27 March 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 27 June 2024 by the page owner #data-catalogue .
This page was set to be reviewed before 27 June 2024 by the page owner #data-catalogue. This might mean the content is out of date.