ADR-003 Use single GitHub repositry for Find MOJ data
✅ Accepted
There was a discussion around what is the best git repo stategy to accomodate the following:
- Find MOJ Data App
- Python Datahub library
- Data registration API (still being discussed)
This diagram highlights the differences between using one repo per component or a single repo for all
The following was agreed:
- Use a mono repo approach for the components above.
- The App and possible APIs should import the python library via relative path.
- The library will still be packaged and uploaded to PYPI to allow external users
This page was last reviewed on 11 December 2024.
It needs to be reviewed again on 11 December 2025
by the page owner #data-catalogue
This page was set to be reviewed before 11 December 2025
by the page owner #data-catalogue.
This might mean the content is out of date.